SwissHeart Study

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The SwissHeart Deep Imaging Data Collection (DIDC) Study records MRI data of the heart as well as information on lifestyle, blood values, body composition and fitness of a representative population living in Switzerland.
Based on the information collected, digital models of the heart and vessels will be created and made available in an anonymized form to help improving the understanding of the development, diagnosis and prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

An overview of our study is given in our external page video presentation.

The SwissHeart study collects MRI data of the heart and other information to generate digital models of a representative population in Switzerland to help improve diagnosis, monitoring and prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Why should I participate?

By taking part in the SwissHeart study, you will help researchers gain valuable insights into the cardiovascular health status of the population living in Switzerland. Additionally, you will receive your cardiovascular MRI data, blood analysis values, and optional body composition and fitness assessments. A compensation of 40 CHF is offered towards your travel expenses and time commitment.

What does participation involve?

1. Questionnaire: You will complete a questionnaire about your medical history, current health status, and lifestyle. This will take approximately 15 min.

2. Physical Measurements and Blood Sampling: Your blood pressure, heart rate, height, and weight will be measured, and a small blood sample will be taken from your forearm. This process will take about 15 min.

3. Cardiac MRI Examination*: An MRI scan of your heart and surrounding blood vessels will be performed, which will take around 60 min.

4. Body Composition Scan and Exercise Test** (optional): You can also undergo a body composition scan and perform a cardiovascular exercise test, which require additional 60 min either on the same day or within 4 days after the MRI exam.

Common questions regarding participation are answere in this external page video.

Participation in the SwissHeart Study involves filling in questionnaires, physical measurements and blood sampling, MRI of your heart and major vessels, as well as optional body composition scan and exercise performance testing.

The MRI examination requires you to redress using clothes provided. You will lie down on your back on the MRI couch and electrocardiogram (ECG) electrodes will be attached to your chest. Headphones and earplugs will reduce acoustic noise during MRI scanning. Throughout the MRI examination we will be in contact with you via the headphones. For some measurements we will ask you to hold your breath for a few seconds. The MRI examination will last about 60 min.

The body composition scan requires you to remove your clothes except for your underwear and lie on a couch for 10 min. After putting on sportswear, your lung function will be measured, which will take 10 min. This is followed by cardiopulmonary exercise testing on a bicycle ergometer to determine your maximum performance and oxygen uptake. During the test, your electrocardiogram (ECG), blood pressure, blood oxygen saturation and your breathing are measured (external page Video). Preparations and exercise testing require 30 min.

Am I eligible to participate?

You can participate if you live in Switzerland, are ≥18 years and do not have any of the exclusion criteria:

- pregnancy or breastfeeding
- implants such as pacemaker, neurostimulator or bladder stimulator
- severe claustrophobia
- acute illness requiring medical treatment*
- hospital (overnight) stay, operation or intervention in the past 6 months
- fever or infectious illness in the past 6 weeks
- exercise testing only: acute or chronic diseases of respiratory/cardiovascular system

Please if you have questions regarding your eligibility.

* chronic illness / regular medication (e.g. high blood pressure / cholesterol, diabetes) are not an exclusion criteria


What will happen with my data?

Your MRI data, blood markers, lifestyle parameters and (optional) body composition and fitness assessments will be coded and stored on a secure data server located at ETH Zurich; the data will also be made available to you. For further processing and storage, personal information will be removed, ensuring data privacy. Anonymized data together with software tools to analyze digital models will be made available to research projects in Switzerland.


How to sign up?

If you would like to participate in the SwissHeart study and are eligible, you can reserve your study visit using our .

Thanks for the huge interest in our study - regular bookings are now available from January 2025 on - more slots will be made available regularly. You can subscribe to our newsletter to get notified.

The study takes place in the external page GLC building at ETH Zurich, Gloriastrasse 37-39, 8092 Zurich; the Cardiac MRI Examination will be on B floor; Body Composition Scan and Exercise Testing on A floor.

*Personal contact data is treated confidentially and is used for study coordination only. None of your data is shared with Google Inc. The SwissHeart Deep Imaging Data Collection study is approved by the Ethics Commission of the Canton of Zurich (#2024-01966).

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Kozerke
Full Professor at the Department of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
  • ETZ F 94
  • +41 44 632 35 49

Professur für Biomed. Bildgebung
Gloriastrasse 35
8092 Zürich

Prof. Dr. Robert Manka
Head of Cardiac MRI, Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, Department of Cardiology, University Hospital Zurich

University Hospital Zurich
Rämistr. 100
8091 Zurich

Prof. Dr. Christina Spengler
Head of Exercise Physiology Lab, Department of Health Sciences and Technology
  • +41 44 632 50 07

Department of Health Sciences and Technology
Gloriastrasse 37/39
GLC G 15.2
8092 Zurich

Dr. Tobias Kudelka
  • ETZ F 85
  • +41 44 632 79 76

Professur für Biomed. Bildgebung
Gloriastrasse 35
8092 Zürich

Dr. Verena Wilzeck
  • ETZ F 85

Professur für Biomed. Bildgebung
Gloriastrasse 35
8092 Zürich

Dr. Maximilian Fütterer
  • GLC F 15.1
  • +41 44 632 88 41

Professur für Biomed. Bildgebung
Gloriastrasse 37/ 39
8092 Zürich

Dr. Philipp Eichenberger
Lecturer at the Department of Health Sciences and Technology
  • GLC G 15.1
  • +41 44 632 50 05

Inst. f. Bewegungswiss. und Sport
Gloriastrasse 37/ 39
8092 Zürich

Dr. Stefano Buoso
Lecturer at the Department of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
  • GLC F 15.1
  • +41 44 632 47 57

Professur für Biomed. Bildgebung
Gloriastrasse 37/ 39
8092 Zürich


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