How to Find Us

By Train and Tram

Trains leave every 15 to 20 minutes and take about 10 minutes to Zurich Central Railway station (Zürich Hauptbahnhof or just 'HB'). At the airport follow the signs to the railway train station. Please make sure you have a valid ticket before taking the last stairs
down to the platforms. Tickets can be bought at the ticket shop or from the ticket vending machines. If you buy a ticket for 3 zones (Zonen), the tram in Zurich is inclusive.

At Zurich Central Railway station (Zürich Hauptbahnhof) go to the tram stop of tram number 6 (tram stop 'Bahnhofstrasse'). Take tram number 6 towards destination 'Zoo'. Get off at the fifth stop ('Voltastrasse'). The tram ride will take about 10 minutes. Follow the signs to the main entrance of the Department of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (building ETZ). The entrance of the ETZ is open from 7 am to 7 pm.

By Tram

Follow the signs at the railway station to get to the tram stop of tram number 6 (tram stop 'Bahnhofstrasse'). Please make sure that you have a valid ticket. If you have a ticket for 3 zones already, you do not have to pay for the tram. If not, tickets can be obtained from the ticket vending machine. Take tram number 6 towards destination 'Zoo'. Get off at the fifth stop ('Voltastrasse'). The tram ride will take about 10 minutes. Follow the signs to the main entrance of the Department of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (building ETZ). The entrance of the ETZ is open from 7 am to 7 pm.

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